>>>>>>>> mE

Saturday, June 9, 2007

出軌...Lips Of An Angel

Lips Of An Angel
你們聽過這首歌嗎?? 一首有關于出軌的歌.
而我這位朋友現在也在上演著"Lips Of An Angel"
" 我出軌...因為我還沒玩夠!! "
現在只有離婚, 因為他的另一半不能等到一個他認為'玩夠' 的年齡.
天啊!! 這到底是那門子的大道理??

現在的社會... 大家都好像在追逐著"出軌" 與 "離婚" 的腳步
是人類的進步嗎? 是人類越來越博愛嗎? 是人類越來越自我嗎?
還是人類越來越無情? 越來越自私? 或是人類越來越向禽獸看齊?

其實啊.. 每一個人都會有"博愛" 與 "出軌" 的時機..
這可要視垀你個人的" 定力" 了!!
所謂 '浪子回頭'.... 嘛...
而那些像往"自由" 的浪子就任由他們去享受他們自認為的自由吧!!

但如果是猜到是他…. 又如何呢??
出軌'朋友會介意嗎? '出軌'朋友會在乎嗎?
他....NEVER CHANGE SINCE I KNOW HIM…..haizzzzzzzzzzzzzz


TwiNkLe LiFe said...

"Unfaithful and Divorce" increase coz of social keep on changing & improve....that's why people always unstable with mind thinking.Majority people enjoy "Freedom" more than under control with others. I really can't do any imagination what will happen for the next generation. I think.....laterly "Forever" will be totally disappear in our real life. haizzzzzzz.......
I had a real story wanna share with you.......
My best friend, She is independent. She already married and had a daughter years 6. Her husband treat her as well. Until last year, she worry and told me that her husband have something wrong and suspect he have other girl.She sid that he always snek up conversation in phone and dun want her touch his hand phone.
I didn't believe what she told me....u know why???coz the husband look like truely and caring family.
I just feedback don't think a side.... must trust each other.
One day, sunddenly her husband told my friend wanted divorce coz he have somebody. see lar,Isit LOVE changing so easy? haizzzzzz
My friend really can't accept it. She strugging to do best save family as well...but no use...Even she wanted try jump from high level but the ending still the same. As a best friend,what to do??? I can only try my best to advised and encourage her lor....haizzzzz once LOVE is melt talk anything also no use....

HeAvEnGaL said...

twinkle, u are right.... once LOVE is melt nothing we can do. Told you friend, 'TIME' the most powerful medication in the world..evrything will be alright at the END. The most important now is, take good care of herself.... than she be able to take care of her lovely gal.

Love > Cheat > Sad > Hurt > Heart Broken = NEW LIFE

Send my regard to her.. " jia you "

TwiNkLe LiFe said...

Agree with you....Heavengal!!!Thanks for your warmness regard ya..:D..hehehe^^I do belive, she CAN handle it well..to face up whatever in future.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.