>>>>>>>> mE

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


今天又收到几位姐妹的"E-Greeting Card" and Post Birthday Card.... Thanks all my dearest sister.


在此我想再次的说声谢谢你们给我的 ‘友谊’, ‘关爱’,‘容忍’我的坏脾气,‘容忍’我常常 @#%#%^*$^&@ 哈!哈!哈! ( 那是我的左右铭 )


Monday, August 27, 2007


我想我的部落格遊客應該很期待我的"BiKiNi" Post 吧 ﹗﹗ 哪為何我會Post 生日卡 呢??因為當我收到這張卡時﹐ 那種欣悅的心情遠遠超越我度假的心情。

作天好累﹐大約旁晚6pm 從Beach底達愛窩。。3 天的郵件塞滿了信箱﹐一封深黃色的信封從那一堆煩人的郵件冒出頭來, 一股感動與興奮的心情非筆墨所能形容。。。 那封郵件飄洋過海將"知己"的祝福帶來我身邊。十年了。。。 這種祝福的方式已有十年歷史﹐ 也就是說已經十年我不曾與我"蛇鼠一窩"的姐妹共度"牛一"。無論我們各自有多忙﹐共慶生日已是我們生活的一部份 。。但八月份卻從十年前列為"E-mail" 或"Post" Greeting Day !

可能不是所有人能理解我與我知己那份深厚的友情。。。真的非筆墨所能形容。我常常自問﹐在同一時間。。 在這世上的某個角落很有可能有某某人有著和我內心意識完全相同的時刻﹔但我很肯定我與她的‘回憶’只有我們倆人能體會。

上個月是她的"牛一"﹐我作天才曉得她原來有個"大"原望 >>> 希望我早日在回去相聚。哈﹗哈﹗知我者非她莫屬 >>> My ANGEL_EYE :P 。。。我也有著相同的生日願望 。她的祝福卡並沒佈滿‘肉麻’的語言。。。正如她所說‘一卻盡在不言中’。

To my best friend "Angel_eye" :





Thursday, August 23, 2007

BiKiNi sEaSon

We are planning for a 3 days short trip for this weekend before we hit the Labor Day. Thinking about going Ocean City but pick Virginia Beach at the last.

The first decision I have to make when traveling to the beach is where to stay?? Stay on the ocean front or a few blocks off of it?? Staying on the oceanfront is going to be quite a bit more expensive but only get to go once a year or less I suggest staying that close.

Gloomy, overcast and rain the whole week ( 8/20 - 8/23 ). Like others, I checked the weather which predicted Cloudy for the weekend and hopefully we can enjoy UNCLE "SUN" .

Cloudy Hi: 81° Lo: 75°


Partly Sunny Hi: 89° Lo: 79°


Partly CloudyHi: 95° Lo: 79°

Anyway, no matter how's the weather going to be, we still on the go. This is not only a weekend Trip but also a big celebration of my 30 Birthday Trip...hahaha !!! Hopefully I enjoy n have soooo much fun as I wish.

Okido, will do some pic showing and new posting after I get back to the EARTH..wakakaka !!

Friday, August 17, 2007

"天使" 与 "魔鬼"

近来我的心情起伏不定。。。。这四个月" 安宁"的生活跟我说 Bye Bye 了。。。。。好可怜喔!! 我相信我 "蛇鼠一窝"的朋友一定很了解我现在的 "苦" 难。天啊 !您为何派个 "绝种" 的 "天使" 来 "关照" 我。

没错。。。。"天使", 哈!哈!因为我是 "魔鬼" 嘛 !! "天使" 与 "魔鬼" 永远是无法并存的。

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I guess this is the hottest topic of the world no adult likes to miss... right?? But also has always been a topic that people shy away from talking about, especially women. Thanks my dear friend.... she dropped me an idea for my posting today !! My friends would not surprise at me if they knew I was here! As She believe, I always enjoy the topic :P !! Now, I would like to bring this issue up on my blog to share, izzit't cool? Hopefully, blogger won't BAN me...hahahahaha !!

Sex no doubt plays an integral role in one's life. For me , SEX is the touch, the feel, the exploration... of LOVE. I really wouldn't suggest loose your virginity in a one night stand. There's going to be strong emotional bonds, and this can lead to a very troubling situation. Come on, in one night stand, how much can you touch, feel and explore ..hahahaha !!! But, I do agreed and raise my leg up to the sky >>> Sex before marriage. Why?? hehe.." pai seh " I don't think I can "Tahan" till I get marriage.....wakakakaka !! In my opinion, it is possible to have a long and healthy relationship with someone without having sex :P .

But is there such a thing as too much sex? Emmm, I think as long as you and your partner are physically comfortable, than can pretty much have as much sex as you want. But, in physiological terms, is this: If you're female, probably not... and I think SEX sessions will not only great for weight lose but too firm a women's tummy and bottocks, and also improve posture. Do you girl's out there agree with me? If you're male? You betcha... coz men have a refractory period after ejaculation, when they cant get an erection for a while.... hahaha !! What a poor thing :P ! Now, that drugs such as Viagra and Levitra have given men far more staying power than may actually be good for them. (Any guys try this before?? Care to share...hahaha!!)

As I always believe, healthy SEX life always BENEFIT. Why?? Hahaha... enjoy the list as show below..... ( Please log out if you're under 18 ...Thanks )

1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests have shown that a woman who has sexual relations produces big amounts of estrogen which makes hair shiny and soft.

2. To make love in soft and relaxed way reduces the possibilities of suffering from dermatitis and acne. The sweat produced cleans pores and makes the skin shine.

3. To make love allows to burn all the calories accumulate is this romantic love scene.

4. Sex is one of the safest sports. It strengthens and tonifies all body muscles. It is more enjoyabel than doing 20 lapses in the pool. And you don't need special shoes !

5. Sex is an instantaneous cure against depression. It frees endorphines in the blood flow, creating a state of euphoria and leaves us with a feeling of well-being.

6. The more we make love, the more we have the capacity to do more. A body sexually active releases a higher amount of pheromone. This subtle aroma excites the opposite sex !

7. Sex is the safest tranquiliser in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFICIENT THAN VALIUM.

8. To kiss everyday allows to avoid the dentist. Kisses aid saliva in cleaning teeths and lower the quantity of acids causing enamel weakening.

9. Sex relieves headaches. Each time we make love, it releases the tension in brain veins.

10. To make love a lot can heal a nasal congestion. Sex is a natural antihistaminic. It helps fight asthma and spring allergies.

Care to share your SEX comment?? Remember, you always welcome.

P/S : Guys... don't be stupid, protect yourself....alwaysssssssss !!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

What A Sad News Again

Minneapolis Bridge collapses into Mississippi River - Wednesday during evening RUSH HOUR.

Who should we blame on???
Let's pray together .....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

First Acupuncture in mylife

What is Acupuncture??

As I know is using a fine small needles at trigger points at different places on your body depending on what kind of problems you are having.... some people mention it help on WEIGHT LOSE too. If is true...ha! ha! I'm gonna be the first one who volunteer. There is also acupressure, where they use pressure from their fingers or thumb instead of needles, and this is just as effective, I think so.

Well, I’ve been suffered for shoulder pain for few years.... but it seems getting worst and worst. I’ve always wanted to try acupuncture and in looking for ways to be proactive about improving my join muscle, I decided to give it a try. Last weekend, it was time to get poked with needles.... I travel to New York, it took me about 5 hours drive.

The acupunturist was a MEN. We started with my medical history, health condition, lifestyle, and so on.... than SHOWTIME >>> He started with my right leg and put four needles in various locations.... am I hurt?? What do you think?? I love Tattoo, than you can tell how crazy am I onto needle.... hehehehe ! A couple of them gave me a small bit of pain, but overall it was painless. He then placed a needle around my left leg then he proceeded to place more needles into my hands, shoulder up to my ear. I fell as sleep for about 15 minute ( hahaha!! first time in my life sleep with bikini not in my own bed) he woke me up and removed the needles and I got dressed.

He recommended some Chinese herbs to help with my issues ( OMG, he try to kill me :( !!) Needle is fine for me but no herbs, plsssss. As I left the office I did notice I spend 2 hours with this MEN, what a poor thing .... haizz He's old + not handsome lolxxxx!!!

Well, that's was my first experience. Not bad. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to me other than the half nude. I haven’t really noticed much of a difference since the sessions, but I understand that this type of treatment may take time. So, I'm going to see him again next month ..... maybe , hahahaha!! New York lehhh... too far for me !!