>>>>>>>> mE

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Music Instruments

Do you ever sit and listen to your favorite song wondering where the performer learned how to play instruments?? I guess most ppl mainly enjoy the song but never pay more attention on performer who play instruments.

I used to learn n play drum when I was 18... "Drums" damn very fun, cool and impressive. There one of the most popular instruments in the world and are cooler than most instruments. Like any other instrument the drums are hard to learn, theres more to the drums than just hitting something with a stick. If you get disapaointed or discouraged because you can't play them very well, don't give up! With time, practice, and experience you'll get better. Then you can show off to your friends..... but, till now >>>> hahahah!! I still no chance to show off, such a poor thing !!

Recently I'm trying to fix myself into guitar?? Acoustic or Electric? My favorite Acoustic >> Taylor .... ha! ha! My lovely hubby going to jumping up n say " Are you crazy?? You noe how much not?? " wakakakaka !!! It's true...damn mahal lorr. Hey...how abt I suggest Fender electric ... hahahaha, I think he going to kick me to Wal-Mart and get me one of the baby guiter.

I was woundering if anyone played any instruments??

Thursday, July 26, 2007


当我读完这篇文章是, 老实说。。。我深深被感动, 泪如雨下!!
其实这篇文章不难理解。所谓"一生中最重要的人"就是"你的最爱"嘛。。。 不是吗?

所谓的"道德" 与"孝意"观念, 让他们不得不答"父母"。
其实我个人觉得,那剩余的"百分之二十" 被喻为"不孝"的。。。并非真正的"不孝"。
只是如果真的要作选择, 他们选了他们的最爱。
最爱可以是男朋友, 女朋友,情人,丈夫或妻子。。。
哎哟 !! 大至上就是所谓的"爱人"啦!!
好啦!各位游客,细心得阅读以下的文章 (记得把你TISU PAPER放旁边哟!哈!哈!)
阅读后,我再告诉你们我的答案。。。。 请广告后,继续收看。。。lolxxxx

在快下课时教授对同学们说 ?"我和大家做个游戏,
谁愿意配合我一下。 " 一女生走上台来。

教授说 :"请在黑板上写下你难以割舍的二十个人的名字。"
教授说:" 请你划掉一个这里面你认为最不重要的人。"
教授又说?" 请你再划掉一个。"
教授再说 ?"请你再划掉一个。"
一生中最重要的人 女生又划掉了一个。......

教授平静的说 :"请再划掉一个。"
女生迟疑著,艰难的做著选择 ..... 她举起粉笔,划掉了父母的名字。
"请再划掉一个。 "身边又传来了教授的声音。

问道 :"和你最亲的人应该是你的父母和你的孩子,
女生平静而又缓慢地说道:" 随著时间的推移,父母会先我而去,
孩子长大成人后肯定也会离我而去,真正陪伴我度过一生的只有 我的丈夫。"

OK。。。OK.。。一包TISU RM0.50,来。。来。。来 .哈!哈!哈!
好吧! 各位。。我的答案揭晓了>>>>>>
目前我会选择>>> 我的"丈夫"。。。 因为我暂时还没有情人
hahahahahaha........ lolxxxxxxx

你们呢? 谁会是哪"百分之八十", 而谁又会是哪"百分之二十"呢??

Friday, July 20, 2007

国歌 .... Stand Up.

时下最 "in" 的Youtube可非它莫属了"Negaraku....ku "

我可是站著瞄的唷。。。国歌嘛!! 哈!哈!其实还蛮爱国的啦!
我还一片好心(嘻!其实是 鸡婆啦!) 5 5 forward 给我的‘猪朋狗友’
哈。。超苯的 Ah Soh 婆,早该料到这首‘国歌’早已上了我国排行榜啦。。
还要是No. 1 哟。。。 所谓‘好心遭雷劈’,反被‘猪朋狗友’朝笑我这个 ‘弃国’的公民永远都在"Recycle(回受)" 'Old News Paper' 有够环保的。。。好糗哦!

其实 Muar帅哥的歌还真有够Turbo,
我们这些 Export Anak Malaysia 都在Race他的歌。
Muar帅哥 "你还得 keh "。。。

空闲的常常 "la" Kopi, 然后小题大作的将我们这些敢敢讲出自己心声的人民来夹"Roti " haizzzzzzzzzzzzzz, 如Muar帅哥说的有够" 臭 ni nia " 的。

以为把Muar帅哥夹了"Roti", 就没人会Speak
我们这些 Chinese 不会为了 "Kia Si" 而将自己嘴巴 "Zip"
虽然这一却可能要付出所有的代价, 可能片血鳞伤,可能伤心流泪,

华人啊。。。醒一醒吧!站起来吧!团结点吧 !如果还想吃 " 肉骨茶" 的话。。

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

我的天啊!! 好一道"叔叔变哥哥 「鼠鼠变鸽鸽」"

刚从年糕料理看到这篇报导。。。OMG, 中午刚刚光顾了"K 记" 。。一股"酸"气正在我"五脏府"里打滚 .

而这道"叔叔变哥哥 「鼠鼠变鸽鸽」"真是"有过之而无不及"。
现在才正真体会到"中国人"的商业头脑, 我真是佩服的"五体投地" 。

本篇引用自 看看街头烧烤怎样把老鼠变乳鸽看看街頭燒烤怎樣把老鼠變乳鴿http://www.96990.com/ 2007-7-17 10:28:17 來源:中國白領網

人类为何往往为了个人利益而"滥杀无辜" 。。。别误解哟 !!
"滥杀无辜" 里的"无辜"不是指那些"叔叔",因为年糕料理说中国最近不是闹鼠患吗?而那些"叔叔"不过就是20亿只田鼠而已,中国随便一次「剿鼠作战」,就有近百公 吨的「战果」。。。。所以我所指"滥杀无辜" 里的"无辜"者。。是正乐与享受"哥哥" 的"烤乳鸽"爱好者。。嘻!嘻!请问再下是否也曾经是大陆"烤乳鸽"的光顾客之一吗? 哈!哈!哈!哈!哈!还是别报上你的大名吧!谢啦!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


饭后,带了我那 " 小猴, 小鸡到" Front Yard "戏哈。。。
小猴乐与enjoy skateboard。。。 所谓的 " 乐极生悲"
小猴堕马(skateboard ... 啦)。。。 中了个头奖 。。。好大的一个头奖哦!!
小鸡呢!唉。。扮演空中飞人,也中了个头奖。。。emm, 可能是二奖吧 !
我这整个月真是有够衰。。。各位游客, 是否有甚么去衰运的好方法与我分享分享。。在下真的感激不尽。。。但以身相许就免谈了, 哈!哈!!


俗语有句话 " 左凶右吉"
但也有古人说 "右眼跳" 必有衰运

Monday, July 9, 2007


Tattoo.. What do you think?

I absolutely love them! Body art!!! It's either you don't care or you do care about having something permanately drawn on your skin. I have three! A medium sized one in the center of my lower back, and the rest of two on my both legs. For me personally, tattoos are art. I don't think it looks bad and I really like it and the beauty of the art is in the eye of the beholder. After all, it doesn't really matter what people "think" anyway, if you like it then go for it, its YOUR body and you know what type of person you are....I don't consider it trash as long as it has meaning to you and has been thought through! Sometimes people need to keep negativity to themselves, I am sure there are things those people do that I may consider "trashy" but to each their own opinion - some things are just better left unsaid

Today is the age of tattoos. It seems that everyone has a tattoo, or is planning on getting one soon. You may be trying to decide if you should get a tattoo yourself. This article is going to provide you with a few thoughts to keep in mind if you think you should get a tattoo, and some things you should think about before you accept the needle!

Do not under any circumstances; get a tattoo, because it is the “in” thing to do. Tattoos are for life. The only way that I know of tohave a tattoo safely removed is to go to a doctor and have them remove it with a
laser. The way I understand it, you are still going to have a scar that covers the area of the tattoo. So ask yourself, if you really want to be scarred for life.
One thing a lot of people do when getting a tattoo is to have someone's name
tattooed on himself or herself. I do not suggest tattooing your girlfriends name on yourself. Let's face it people, whether you think it will happen or not, people break up all the time! I actually know a tattoo artist that would not tattoo names on his customers unless those names where the name of their children, or a loved one that has passed away. Do you really think your new girlfriend Sally wants your ex girlfriend Jane's name on your arm? Think before you ink!
Lots of men seem to think it is cool to have a half naked woman tattooed on their body. Although when you are young, your male friends may think it is awesome, chances are the women in your life will not. You also have to ask yourself if you are ever going to have children. Do you really want to become a father and have your children see a naked woman on your body on a daily basis? I am sure that some people would not mind, but I sure do not want my children seeing it.
The last point to think about is how this tattoo will look in 30 years. As a person gets older, their tattoos begin to blur. Your tattoo artist should tell you all the ways to keep your tattoo looking good, and part of that will probably be a touch up. Tattoos are for life; so if you are going to get a tattoo, choose wisely.

Article written by: Laura Fleenor

How abt you? What do you think abt Tattoo?

A) I Love Tattoo
B) I hate Tattoo
C) Never think much abt that
D) May have a try

lai lai.... I share my Tattoos... u all come here and share your opinion with me, lets talk talk abt Tattoo :P