What is Acupuncture??

As I know is using a fine small needles at trigger points at different places on your body depending on what kind of problems you are having.... some people mention it help on WEIGHT LOSE too. If is true...ha! ha! I'm gonna be the first one who volunteer. There is also acupressure, where they use pressure from their fingers or thumb instead of needles, and this is just as effective, I think so.
Well, I’ve been suffered for shoulder pain for few years.... but it seems getting worst and worst. I’ve always wanted to try acupuncture and in looking for ways to be proactive about improving my join muscle, I decided to give it a try. Last weekend, it was time to get poked with needles.... I travel to New York, it took me about 5 hours drive.
The acupunturist was a MEN. We started with my medical history, health condition, lifestyle, and so on.... than SHOWTIME >>> He started with my right leg and put four needles in various locations.... am I hurt?? What do you think?? I love Tattoo, than you can tell how crazy am I onto needle.... hehehehe ! A couple of them gave me a small bit of pain, but overall it was painless. He then placed a needle around my left leg then he proceeded to place more needles into my hands, shoulder up to my ear. I fell as sleep for about 15 minute ( hahaha!! first time in my life sleep with bikini not in my own bed) he woke me up and removed the needles and I got dressed.
He recommended some Chinese herbs to help with my issues ( OMG, he try to kill me :( !!) Needle is fine for me but no herbs, plsssss. As I left the office I did notice I spend 2 hours with this MEN, what a poor thing .... haizz He's old + not handsome lolxxxx!!!
Well, that's was my first experience. Not bad. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to me other than the half nude. I haven’t really noticed much of a difference since the sessions, but I understand that this type of treatment may take time. So, I'm going to see him again next month ..... maybe , hahahaha!! New York lehhh... too far for me !!
I think it is a way of traditional Chinese needle therapy,but not for medical treatment.They just use points on body to catalyze certain nerve in order to balance body's enginery.Is that true?
I alwayz believe in traditional chinese therapy, but acupunture I never try b4, hope u can continue the treatment n let me knw the result. ;D
As i know, some of the Muslim also seeking acupuncture treatment,and they comment good. Acupuncture now are worldwide recognize as medical treatment.
Hopefully traditional Chinese therapy can be spreaded over the world...and hopefully acupuncture can give you some real effects...:)
It always amazed me what our ancestors discovered. Chinese medicines and healing method seems to become world known for effectiveness compared to tablets and syrup drops ..
I would not want to try being stick with tiny needles.. I do believe that in some point of our nerve it helps to relief muscle stress and pains and ache .. I'm just too afraid if the "guru" somewhat or rather miss the right point and another point that nearby ..lol
Well it could be good news for impotent guys .. or guys who need Viagra .. stick it at the erection point and get it stand for National Anthem .. maybe leave it there and make it into a switch .."on/off" ..time for sex, switch it on .. that would be cool !
i tried...
the poke it on my head my stomach every where almost.
it feel funny when they twist/turn the needle.
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