I absolutely love them! Body art!!! It's either you don't care or you do care about having something permanately drawn on your skin. I have three! A medium sized one in the center of my lower back, and the rest of two on my both legs. For me personally, tattoos are art. I don't think it looks bad and I really like it and the beauty of the art is in the eye of the beholder. After all, it doesn't really matter what people "think" anyway, if you like it then go for it, its YOUR body and you know what type of person you are....I don't consider it trash as long as it has meaning to you and has been thought through! Sometimes people need to keep negativity to themselves, I am sure there are things those people do that I may consider "trashy" but to each their own opinion - some things are just better left unsaid
Today is the age of tattoos. It seems that everyone has a tattoo, or is planning on getting one soon. You may be trying to decide if you should get a tattoo yourself. This article is going to provide you with a few thoughts to keep in mind if you think you should get a tattoo, and some things you should think about before you accept the needle!
Do not under any circumstances; get a tattoo, because it is the “in” thing to do. Tattoos are for life. The only way that I know of tohave a tattoo safely removed is to go to a doctor and have them remove it with a
laser. The way I understand it, you are still going to have a scar that covers the area of the tattoo. So ask yourself, if you really want to be scarred for life.
One thing a lot of people do when getting a tattoo is to have someone's name tattooed on himself or herself. I do not suggest tattooing your girlfriends name on yourself. Let's face it people, whether you think it will happen or not, people break up all the time! I actually know a tattoo artist that would not tattoo names on his customers unless those names where the name of their children, or a loved one that has passed away. Do you really think your new girlfriend Sally wants your ex girlfriend Jane's name on your arm? Think before you ink!
Lots of men seem to think it is cool to have a half naked woman tattooed on their body. Although when you are young, your male friends may think it is awesome, chances are the women in your life will not. You also have to ask yourself if you are ever going to have children. Do you really want to become a father and have your children see a naked woman on your body on a daily basis? I am sure that some people would not mind, but I sure do not want my children seeing it.
The last point to think about is how this tattoo will look in 30 years. As a person gets older, their tattoos begin to blur. Your tattoo artist should tell you all the ways to keep your tattoo looking good, and part of that will probably be a touch up. Tattoos are for life; so if you are going to get a tattoo, choose wisely.Article written by: Laura Fleenor
How abt you? What do you think abt Tattoo?
A) I Love Tattoo
B) I hate Tattoo
C) Never think much abt that
D) May have a try
lai lai.... I share my Tattoos... u all come here and share your opinion with me, lets talk talk abt Tattoo :P

A) I Love Tattoo
Few years back when i'm in teenager.. i use to work part time doing body art which is the fake tattoo... hahaha.. temporary tattoo.. those with glitters wan...
i really love tattoo and actually looking forward for it. But there is one thing that bother be. I really scare that i cannot bare the pain when doing it. ~~~
A) I Love Tattoo
For me tatoo is "CREATIVE ART" for body....I won't care WHAT people's "THINKING ABOUT ME".I also can't control their mind thinking....So, do whatever i "LOVE"!!!!!!:D But...scare pain....hehehe!!! really wanna do it ler......lolxxxx
D) must be a try
hmmmm, for me i havent try tatoo before....but tattoo is actually is an art, a very creative, beautiful and meaningful art...so, a good pattern of tattoo and put at suitable part will be an additional decoration to our body...i think everybody should have a try....
especially nowadays have a lot of temporary tattoo...then is very good for everybody to have a try...
And especially when come to stage performance or studio photograph...tattoo will be a super nice decoration on our body or face...looks cool and elegant also.so, i will sure to have a try on the temporary one...hahaahah
WOW... so great to see all of u LOVE Tattoo, welcome to my world.
Viv & Twinkle, is truth... tattoo damn pain lor, I suggest b4 u accept the needle... ha! ha! drink a full bottle of Hennessy sin..really help lor..lolxz.
Elizabeth(queenie), hey frez... thkz for swim over and great to see you here....welcome welcome har. Wht u mention I 100% agreed lor, tattoo really a great decoration on stage performance.
Hehe... yup, try the temporary one first b4... if you really LOVE it, than go for it.
Heavengal~~ ur tattoo damn chun leh... i like the one on your back.
Too bad im too scare of needles.
I like the lower back tattoo. Can imagine how sexy it will be... sluuuurrrrpppp :D
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